
Open Agile Architecture Practitioner O-AA Exam Preparation

Helps to prepare the Open Group's O-AA exam OGAA-001 through exercices on an End-to-End case study and mock exam questions

Open Agile Architecture (2 days training)


Objective : This course aims to help attendees understand the Open Group's Open Agile Architecture standard and prepare them to take the Open Group's O-AA exam OGAA-001 in order to be certified as an Open Agile Architecture Practitioner.

The O-AA standard helps to align enterprise's service & product architectures as well as its operations architecture to agile strategies and customer experience. The resulting architecture allows attendees to determine impacts upon the organization of Agile Teams by minimizing their dependencies.


Prerequisites : None

Participant Profiles : CxO, Operation Managers, Enterprise Architects, Agile and Digital Practitioners, Business and System Analysts and Designers



Part 1 : The O-AA Core Elements

• This first part presents the foundation of Agile Architecture Body of Knowledge

It contains the fundamental concepts of the O-AA standard including its structure and explains :

- why the enterprise needs to conduct a Dual (Digital and Agile) Transformation

- the Architecture development

- Intentional and Emerging Architectures

- Continuous Architectural Refactoring,

- Architecting the Agile Transformation and Agile Governance

- a set of axioms for the practice of Agile Architecture explained through a case study


Part 2 : The O-AA Building Blocks


•This part develops the topics introduced in the O-AA Core in greater detail


Topics include : Agile Strategy, Agile Organization, Enterprise Segmentation, Product Architecture, Operations Architecture, Value Streams, User/Customer Journey Mapping, and Software Architecture through the Domain-Driven Design.


This content is presented from the perspective of :

What the enterprise is through product architecture and operations architecture based on Agile Strategy,

What the entreprise does through experience design, journey mapping / value streams until Software Architecture and Security Concerns.


The course presents the application of concepts of the O-AA through a complete case study (from Strategy Settings to Domain-Driven Design Software Boundaries by minimizing team dependencies to enable Agile Team Autonomy).

Mock exam questions are progressively introduced at the end of chapters and answers are provided to help you assess yourself before taking the official Open Group's O-AA exam OGAA-001


Notice : An additional day is recommended for candidates willing to understand how to prepare their organization architecture to Agile Transition using O-AA through an end-to-end case study.

This allows you to prepare the necessary Agile Architecture Foundation to ensure the alignment of Product, Service and Operations Architectures to Strategies and Values to deliver until the software implementation.

Once such an Agile Enterprise Architecture Foundation is established, architecture boundaries can be assigned to Stream-Aligned Teams that are guided by Strategic Outcomes (shared purpose) as depicted below.

In this perspective, Stream-Aligned Teams are assisted by Competency Teams that are experts in related business or technical areas.

Using such an expertise, they are able to assess changes captured on their corresponding innovation dimensions (such as Key-Activities, Resources, Customer Relationships, Distribution Channels, ...) and make related decisions rapidly and decisively to contribute to the efficient delivery of the strategic outcomes.


O-AA Teams of an Agile Organization



The Open Agile Architecture, TOGAF and ArchiMate are respectively trademarks of the Open Group

IT4IT is a trademark for IT Reference Architectures from the Open Group,

The Business and Value Model Canvases are trademarks by Osterwalder and Pigneur

BMM, BPMN, UML, SysML referenced on this website are trademarks of the Object Management Group (OMG).